Be as ready as can for your next adventure!

Review our services and drop us an email with your details.

Start working, backed by 17 years of experience from multifaceted creative industry professional and an extensive network of industry personnel and creatives within the music, arts, and entertainment sectors.

Digital Ready

  • Social Media Release | Starts at £50

    This social media service is designed to support an artist's music or video release over two weeks.

    « Build release awareness

    « Point to websites and digital music platforms

    « Highlight the upcoming song(s) and any event.

    « Feature the artist’s content.

    « Provide audience marketing.


  • Content Marketing | Starts at £80

    Need a biography update? One that’s more suitable for your upcoming music release, campaigns, press releases, or website?

    This is a vital part of your music marketing, book for:

    « Review Artiste's Biography

    « Song release story

    « Campaign Building


  • Music Release | Starts at £100

    Music Release that introduces the Artist with music release Singles, EP or Album, video releases, or career news updates.

    « Public Release campaign format suitable for public shares and digital promotion​

    « Press Release campaign format suitable for priority release to media, radio & press.

    « Our release template is available for sharing campaigns with the Artists’ database.


  • Digital Marketing | Starts at £150

    Combines Content and Music Release services to bring your whole campaign up-to-date.

    « Refresh of Artiste Biography

    « Redraft of Artiste Biography

    « Song release story

    « Public Release campaign format suitable for public shares and digital promotion​

    « Press Release campaign format suitable for priority release to media, radio & press.

    « Our release template is available to share campaigns with the Artists’ database.


Tour Ready

  • Explore Tour | Starts at £80

    This session is mainly for those exploring touring and new territory performance opportunities. Book this session for the development of tour projects.

    Extensive consultancy sessions that review tour viability provide vital guidance and review expectations and strategies towards travel-based performance projects.

    No more than 3 persons attend consultancy sessions, up to an hour.

  • SME & Label Tour | Starts at £130

    This session is mainly for Small Music Enterprises and Labels. Book this session to develop tour projects for small touring teams or labels.

    Extensive consultancy sessions that review tour viability provide vital planning, target expectations, and strategy for tour-based projects.

    No more than six persons may attend the consultancy.

  • The Band & Choir Tour | Starts at £150

    Book this session mainly for bands and choirs to develop tour projects for larger touring teams.

    Extensive consultancy sessions that review tour viability provide vital planning, target expectations, and strategy for tour-based projects.

    No more than eight persons may attend consultancy session.

Event Ready

  • Indie Events | Starts at £100

    Book this session for event projects such as live gigs, listening parties, online productions, virtual events, etc., as well as extensive consultancy, strategies, and vital guidance regarding the Client's vision.

    Indie Events consultancy/assessments are for events held at venues around 300 capacity and under . On-hour consultancy sessions.

  • Community Events | Starts at £160

    Book this session for event projects such as community, minor concerts and festivals, church or charity events, product or service launches, etc., for extensive consultancy, strategies, and vital guidance toward the Client's vision.

    Community Events consultancy / assessments are mainly for events held at venues around 300-700 capacity. Up to two-hour consultancy session.

  • Major Events | Starts at £200

    Book this session for event projects such as; major concerts, awards, minor conferences, etc, for extensive consultancy, strategies, and vital guidance toward the Client's vision.

    Major Events consultancy/assessments are for events held at venues around 700-2000 capacity | 2 hours consultancy session.

  • Mega Events | Starts at £300

    Book this session for event projects such as significant awards, concerts, special celebrates, conferences, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for extensive consultancy, strategies, and vital guidance towards the Client's vision.

    Mega Events consultancy/assessments are for events held at venues around 2000 plus capacity. Up to three hours of consultancy sessions, hours can be split.